Men's Fellowship Breakfast: Fellowship with others is one of God's gifts to us. This breakfast provides a means for men to fellowship with one another. All men are invited each Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. at the Wyatt's Family Restaurant in Franklin. (Currently does not meet.)
A True Character of Ministry is a Servants Heart. ~Harold Warner
ON HOLD FOR SUMMER 2024: (July, Aug & September 2024 there will not be a One Heart Mission: Our mission is directly focused on reaching out to our neighbors here in Franklin and surrounding towns. We are excited to provide some basic personal care products to our fellow citizens and also look forward to the opportunity to share our biblical beliefs. We have a great group of church members and volunteers that believe that being a serving leader in our community is not only following Christ's lead but also a gift from God. Volunteers are always welcome. ON HOLD FOR SUMMER 2024 One Heart Mission is open the 1st Saturday of every month at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Clothing Shed: Clothing Shed just arrived. We have partnered with St. Pauly Textile, Inc. to provide a great opportunity for both the community and the church ministries. We are only accepting used clothing, shoes, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, curtains and stuffed animals. You may place items in a bag and drop them into the chute of the shed. The Shed is located in our back parking lot on the School Street side. Please do not leave anything outside the shed and follow the acceptable items listing. Thank